Yakov Kedmi: US Promoting Youth Unrest All Over the World With Wicked Campaign of Lies!

Mr. Kedmi, what is the wave of protests that is going on in Hong Kong, Bolivia... If you look at it, they are going in a wide circle.

- Now, on the subject. Mr. Kedmi, what is the wave of protests that is going on in Hong Kong, Bolivia... If you look at it, they are going in a wide circle.

Yakov Kedmi, political figure (Israel): Well, first of all, I would…

- I understand, it influenced Chili and Brasilia too.


- I don't quite agree that it happens where there's a large young population. It happens where the power is weak and where the power is ineffectual. Where it can't stop it for some internal or external reason. And, of course, young people always make a racket. It happened in France too, and it's happening now, in Germany, and in every country. All of this teaches us the lesson that the Americans have mastered all the lessons of Goebbels' propaganda. I mean, telling the most wicked lies, repeating them all the time, and they'll believe them. They keep repeating, "Democracy, democracy, everything is for the sake of democracy." And they believe it. All of Nazi Germany was confident that World War II happened because of the Jews. "It's the Jews who threaten Nazi Germany." They sincerely believed in this. Because that's the way their brains were washed.

Now, they took this, and they've turned Russia into a boogeyman, the same way the Nazis used to frighten their population with the Jews. Now they are frightening their populating with Russia. They're frightening everyone with the "Russian threat." Russia is to blame for everything. For absolutely everything. For whatever happens, for any failures of the government. For any failures of the economy. For any setbacks in the elections. Any party that loses an election says, "Russia interfered." I mean, there is a constant, systematic, titanic case of brainwashing based on the hate for Russia. All of this is accompanied by the implementation of false notions. As everything that happens, happens for the sake of democracy. Any crime could be excused because it's for the sake of democracy. No wonder nobody objected when they tried to set a man on fire in Hong Kong for the sake of democracy. Didn't they burn people alive in Kiev? They set Berkut officers on fire. Someone said something. Did it also happen for the sake of democracy? If Ukraine can do that... Did they burn people in Odessa for the sake of democracy? They did. So what? I mean, an information war is being waged, a war in which these hypocrites use the most sacred notions to cover up for their dirtiest crimes.

Meanwhile, in the big scheme of things, their whole system of power has collapsed. We're talking about Latin America today. It's an American domain. The Americans established their order there 100 years ago. If today, desperate Latinos are striving to get into America because they are starving, because there's a crime epidemic there, because it's impossible to live there, it is because they have adopted the American order. But the Americans don't confess to this. On the contrary, they're saying, "We won't let them in." But whatever happens, Russia and Cuba are to blame. There are no commies, but Russia is to blame nonetheless. But the problem is, they didn't manage to solve a single issue in Latin America, not in a single Latin American country. And all their attempts to solve these issues by using force, starting with Chili and Brazil... How many coup d'états did the Americans stage in Brazil? How many coup d'états did they create in Argentina? Or supported them? Not a single system in Latin America proved to be viable, with the exception of one. The Cuban one.

- Being an island helped.

- As for Cuba, despite the full embargo being introduced in 1959, despite the Soviet Union foully betraying and dumping it, Cuba has remained the most stable state in Latin America. Its population might not be the richest, but it is the most educated, the most qualified; the best doctors in Latin America are in Cuba; the best engineers are in Cuba, despite everything. I mean, it turns out that this pseudo-democratic system has stopped being a democratic one long ago. It's been a long time since it started being the key factor in the deterioration of these states.